Informed Consent
Liability Waiver
In consideration of my child being allowed to participate in the activities of the programmes of N Zone which are undertaken by the N ZONE Instructors and to use the facilities and equipment managed/owned by N ZONE, I do hereby waive release and forever discharge N ZONE and its organisers from any and all responsibilities or liability for injuries resulting from my child’s participation of activities or use of the above equipment during a N ZONE session.
I understand and am aware that the N ZONE programme is multi sports active programme, including the use of equipment, are potentially hazardous activities. I also understand that exercise and fitness activities involve a risk of injury, and I am happy for my child(ren) to participate in these activities and use the equipment and facilities with the knowledge of the dangers involved.
I hereby agree to expressly assume and accept all and any risks of injury on behalf of the above names child. I am aware that I have the right to request advice from N Zone instructors, in relation to the activities and exercise being undertaken and also with regard to appropriate clothing and footwear.
If I choose not to take advice or disregard any advice given, I do so voluntarily and accept liability for all resulting injuries and damage. I hereby declare the above-named child to be physically sound and suffering from no condition, impairment, disease or infirmity or other illness that would prevent them participating in or to use any equipment or facilities at N ZONE.
All details provided are for the strict use of NZONE , and will be stored and handled following the DATA PROTECTION guidelines: